How do I add a new contact or user to an existing vendor company?

I see the vendor company I want to invite to bid, but the person that I want to send the bid to isn't listed.

While on the RFP tab if you do not see the contact or user that you would like to invite to bid, but you do see the intended vendor company, simply click the Edit Recipients button after you have added that vendor as a candidate and invite the new user to join that vendor company.


Existing Vendor New User InviteCouple things to note when inviting new users to join an existing vendor: 
  1. You are actually sending a request to the existing users at that vendor to approve the new user's invitation to join.
  2. Your invite will be sent when someone at the vendor company approves your request.


        1. When you invite a vendor company to bid, whenever a new contact at that vendor company creates their account and logs in, they will immediately have access to the project information.
        2. If, however, you want that new user at the vendor company to receive the email notification that they have been invited to bid, you must wait for them to accept their invitation and create their account before inviting them to bid.