How does Octerra protect my bids?

Vendor Bill of Rights

Protecting your bids

Octerra understands that submitting a high-quality, competitive bid for a production job requires a significant investment of time, manpower, and money. Octerra is a software platform designed to provide faster speed-to-award, more secure delivery of your bids, and a more reliable process managing and protecting these investments. If you submit your bids through email, you could be engaging in unprotected bidding.

The following ‘Vendor Bill of Rights’ outlines some of the measures we take with respect to the security and privacy of the information that you submit through the platform.

  • Octerra considers the bids that you submit through the platform to be your confidential information and treats that information as confidential information.
  • Octerra does not aggregate the information that you submit through the platform across client lines (even in aggregated or anonymous form).
  • Octerra does not license or sell the information that you submit through the platform to any outside companies (even in aggregated or anonymous form).
  • Octerra does not use the information that you submit through the platform for any purpose other than to provide the platform services to you and the brand or agency that invited you to bid on the project, except as required by law.
  • Octerra does not provide your bid information to competing vendors.

If you wish to address the confidentiality of your bid information once in the possession of agencies or clients, please note that you will need to address such issues directly with them via a separate confidentiality agreement - the same way you would as if submitting bids through email.

Further information about the privacy and security of information you submit through Octerra is available in our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.


 Terms of Use         Privacy Policy 


If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team at